
Naked nudist babe drinks some tekila at public beach bar

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  • It is Russia. Just because some Nazis destroyed Ukraine with the help of the US and the EU doesn't make Crimea Ukrainian. Legal elections recognised by international observers (OSCE) saw it become Russia again. Doesn't matter how many lies we in the West tell, it is Russia and it's doing far better than the backward Nazi run Ukraine. Thank God for Putin and Russia, they're all that's keeping law and order in the immoral world of the US and it's greedy moron friends.

  • 美しい形でなければ、巨乳の意味がない。君の乳房は美しく乳首もしゃぶりつきたくなってくる。君をベッドに押し倒し、君を激しく征服したい。乳房を襲い、体中をいやらしく攻め上げ、射精しまくり、君の子宮を真っ白に染め上げたい。いやらしい君の女体を味わいたい!

  • two shitty countries fighting over a pathetic example of a woman...that says it the USA this woman is a 3 out of 10.