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  • Not sure how commenting on that toilets as photo backdrops makes someone gay, but your silly remarks certainly display your lack of maturity and intelligence.

    I truly hope that you are getting professional help for your apparent mental issues and get well soon.

  • cockspit is gay af if he doesnt want to see where this delicious creature shits and pisses.

  • That is a really awesome looking toilet. I was much more interested in it and scrolled up and down trying to get a better look at it. Lloks lime it flushes really well and clean....

  • スレンダーな処女を抱きしめたい。小さい乳房を襲い、薄いピンクの乳首を吸いまくりたい。白く清らかな肉体を舐めまわし、俺に抱かれる悦びを教えたい。破瓜の血は俺の妻の証明書だ。子宮を俺の愛で染め上げて、結婚したい。

  • I'm sure they could have found a better location than a toilet for this photo shoot.