
Absolutely naked Asja K at beach market

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  • I care about her shoes. The title is misleading.
    If a model goes nude she must go all the way, not half measures like this. Humans are born without shoes so there is nothing natural about wearing them.
    In my opinion models must at least pretend they are into "natural" side of being nude and avoid using shoes or other accessorizes whenever it is possible. It was definitely possible this time.
    NIR fcked up most of Crimea beaches set because of this little detail. I contacted them suggesting to force models to go barefoot unless there is absolute necessity in shoes, because it will attract subscribes who can't stand any clothing on girls like me (and there is demand that other studios make use of), but I didn't receive an answer.

  • no, nobody cares about her shoes!she is as she should be, without clothes. just beautiful to see a naked woman naturally in public. this site is wonderful posting these photos!

  • Technically she is not absolutely naked because she has her shoes and sunglasses on.