
Sasha J poses wildly and sexy in the lush green forest

Sasha J poses wildly and sexy in the lush green forestSasha J poses wildly and sexy in the lush green forest

Sasha J poses wildly and sexy in the lush green forestSasha J poses wildly and sexy in the lush green forest

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  • Fantastic photos.
    Great use of natural light
    and gorgeous model.
    Nice to see a photographer still playing with contrasts. The light panels completely wash out the models.

  • Fantastic pussy. I’d lick her from the rim of her anus to her clit in one long swoop, pressing down on her cunt, picking up every scent and lapping up her juices. I wouldn’t even fuck her, just lick her until my face is covered in a glaze of grool and she shudders, squirms and finally cums, her hips swaying, begging for a fuck from my stiff cock. She can then return the favor and swallow my cock while until I fill her mouth with jizz. I’m a simple man.

  • 美しい。君を妻にしたい。肉体関係を結び君を妻にしたい。森の中で君と交わる悦び!君と抱き合い、美しい乳房を襲い、乳首を吸い、欲望をぶつけ合いたい。君で女を味わい、君の肉体に俺の愛を解き放ちたい!