I have seen her as Uma of Teenfuns, but even Namethatpornstar is devided on her, as this set and the old Teenfuns Set 296, are older sets. As Teenfuns had several Ukrainian models, it is quite possible she too is Ukrainian. Her eyes appear blue, but on TF her eyes are more green. Warning. The TF set was controversial as she was believed to be under 18 at that time.
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I want more pussy, but hers is nice
åć妻ć«ććććé”ćč±ććŖä¹³ęæć大ććåčµ·ććä¹³é¦ćęø ćććŖē½ćč¢ä½ćåć®ä½ć®å Øć¦ćē¾ćććåć®ē¾ććč±ęŗćŖčä½ćęÆę„ęę«ćć¦äŗ¤å°¾ćć¾ćććäæŗć®åćå¦åØ ćććććåćå¾ęćć¦ćäæŗć®åć©ćć®ęÆč¦Ŗć«ććććåć®å¤§ććē¾ććä¹³ęæļ¼ę¼ćÆäæŗć®åć©ćć«ä¹³é¦ćåøćććå¤ćÆäæŗćåøćć¾ćć£ć¦ćććććęÆęć³ć¼ćć¼ć«åć®ęÆä¹³ćå „ććē¾ćć儳ć妻ć«ććęć³ćå³ććććć
Although Magdalena is a name common in many countries, Magda is a Polish short version of that name.
Her name is Magda or goes by Magdalena, she is from Spain, not ukrainian.
According to a reverse image search she is Magda/Magdalena of Femjoy and Met-Art, and yes, she is Ukrainian.
I have seen her as Uma of Teenfuns, but even Namethatpornstar is devided on her, as this set and the old Teenfuns Set 296, are older sets. As Teenfuns had several Ukrainian models, it is quite possible she too is Ukrainian. Her eyes appear blue, but on TF her eyes are more green. Warning. The TF set was controversial as she was believed to be under 18 at that time.