How Phone Sex Chat Can Help Spice Up Your Long Distance Relationship.
It’s no longer the 1920’s. You don’t send telegrams and “racy” photos of yourself in a bathing suit that covers your knees. We are in the golden age of technology and phone sex chat, which makes having a long distance relationship that much more…rewarding.
I mean, think about it, there are literally hundreds of ways for you to keep the romance racey in the new millenia. From sexting apps, to video chat, to good old fashioned phone sex chat, there’s options out there that fit. Sexting apps are fun, for about six seconds, but there’s no spank bank there. Video is nice, but can sometimes get a bit… gratuitous. This is why I say the technological glitter and up your game. Learn how to make some seriously sexy phone sex chat.
Long distance relationships are tough for a number of reasons, but one of the glaring ones for most couples, is that a bit of the intimacy gets lost. Sexual drives are a part of our biological makeup, and being denied those on top of the presence of a loved one can rip a lot of really great relationships to shreds. Not only that, but have you ever noticed how once you’ve been denied sex- you want it that much more? Yea, us too. Here’s some sweet tips from a genuine phone sex chat artist on how to get thoses sexy conversations going and how to keep them great.
Know how to make phone sex chat dates
There’s nothing less sexy and more mystifying than bitching about your cousin and using that as a lead in to some dirty talk. Make sure that your phone sex chat time is given a space all of its own. Create date nights, where you both plan on doing the LDR naughty only. Build up throughout the day by sending a sexy pic or two, or shoot your partner a simple and sexy text “Oooops, I forgot to wear panties…..AGAIN!”
Phone sex chat is all about the fantasy
When you can’t rely on photos or video of yourself or your partner, all you’re left with is each others imaginations. And those are some really steamy places. Recalling fun memories together and adding in some taboo fantasy is a great way to make phone sex chat sexy without being boring or over the top corny. Just because it’s sexy to create the fantasy mentally doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll do it. Create your own little verbal porn video.
Speaking of porn, phone sex chat is great for role play
Sparking up some sexy role play is great for voice only sexy time. Suddenly, your Boo is now that sexy pizza delivery boy that really knows how to satisfy your hunger with something hot. Or perhaps you’re just a ditzy secretary that really needs some hammering from her boss. Whatever the role is, play it out and have fun. With phone sex chat there are way less rules about how you look or what environment your in. “What am I wearing? *looks down, sees ice cream stained sweatshirt* Just a lacy bra and a button up shirt- Oh no! That darn button broke and fell on the floor…”
Clear communication is key
Even if it’s just a bunch of dirty scenarios that you’ve been dying to tell your long distance partner about, learning how to speak with one another without the use of gestures, facial expressions, or sexy undergarments is a great way to work on your communication skills. You’ll have to use key active listening skills to be able to respond appropriately to what your partner is saying during phone sex chat. In order to stay in the moment, and in the mood, using these techniques comes naturally. Seeing them work in a positive environment will encourage you both to use them in more critical situations as well.
Work on your phone sex chat operator voice
Learning how to purr out directions and release the perfectly timed moan is is a great way to learn how to make yourself feel sexy. Even if you’re not really dripping with lust at the time of a scheduled phone sex chat date, making yourself sound like you are helps to creates those feelings. Just like positive affirmations help people reset their own minds, dirty talk can help reset a sex drive. A big part of having great phone sex chat is really believing that you are sexy. The fantasy of what you are in that moment can help shape what you are in real life. So maybe you’re not a sex kitten that is wild about the idea of sex in public- but discussing that fantasy in detail with bae is a sure fire way to get those juices flowing.
Be comfortable with shaping each others fantasy, but respect boundaries in real life
Having wild and kinky phone sex chat can be really really fun, but make sure that you’re in a trusting and loving relationship. Again, just because you talk about it on the phone, doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be interested in actually playing out those fantasies when your partner gets home. Make sure that both of you are aware of your own personal boundaries, and that your phone sex chat won’t be held against each other later. What happens with phone sex talk can definitely stay with phone sex talk.
Know when it’s appropriate to detour or call for a stop
Detouring is used when a fantasy isn’t really working for one of you, but you don’t want to pull the plug on the entire conversation. Learning how to work in sexy detour phases like “oh baby, you know I like it when you ____ instead” or “Tell me again about how you want to ___” These types of phrases are a great way to switch off certain narratives without losing the entire sexy vibe all together. If you reach a point in the fantasy where you’re absolutely uncomfortable, or you think you’ve reached a non-playable storyline, don’t be afraid to say that it’s simply not working for you. Even though it’s fantasy, it’s still really important for partners to respect each others sexual boundaries.
Phone sex chat works to keep long distance relationships spicy, but it can also really help you and your partner work on communication skills and trust too. It not only forces couples to listen to each other and respond accordingly, but it also creates time where you are both dedicated- making your relationship feel like more of a priority, even if you can’t be around each other.
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