Tantra Myths You Need To Stop Believing.
Tantra is surrounded by mystery. It should be no surprise to see how many are intimidated by what they hear. In reality, tantra is something that anyone can enjoy. If you want to have a great experience or you just want to learn more about the possibility of getting a massage tantra Paris experience, here are some of the most common misconceptions nobody should believe.
Myth – Tantra Is All About Long Lovemaking Sessions
Everyone should know that sexual experience is not defined by how long it lasts. Tantra sex can be really fast or last a very long time. The difference is that the experience connects your mind, soul, and body. Usually, you just experience body pleasure.
When you want to go the distance in tantra, you have to focus on the needs of your partner and yourself. This is so much more important than duration.
Myth – Tantra Is Only Practiced With A Partner
Because of the fact that tantra is about cultivating sexual energy and not the actual sexual act, you can practice alone. Everything can be compared to learning martial arts or yoga. The experience starts only by understanding your very own body. You practice awareness, relaxation and deep breathing. Basically, you have to be able to turn on your internal sexual energy. You cannot do this without proper practice.
Myth – Tantra Is Just For People Obsessed With Things Like Yoga And Crystals
Meditation is useful for tantra sex because it allows you to be able to easily awaken your senses. Mental chatter is slowed down so that you can be more focused on the actual acts you perform. This is similar to what you do with yoga so it is easy to understand why the misconception appeared. However, there is no single recipe that needs to be followed. Countless meditation methods are available for you and you can easily choose what works best in your case.
Myth – Tantra Is All About A Powerful Orgasm
It is 100% true that your orgasm is going to be intense and it is even possible that you will experience multiple orgasms. Even so, tantra is not just about the sex you will have. Sexual energy is something that can be used every single day to help you move forward in life and actually reach your goals/aspirations. Orgasm and sex are both gateways to deeper partner connections and so much more. Tantra focuses on helping you open your heart. Your feelings will help you to get better guidance and you will be able to achieve a life that is not controlled by fear.
Myth – Tantra Is A Cult
The last myth that nobody should believe is that tantra is a cult. Usually, this label appears simply because people do not understand tantra and what it is all about. You can easily end up crippling the emotional strength of people when you label them in an incorrect way. Try to learn more about tantra before you even dare to say something like cult. People that practice tantra sex enjoy spending time together but they are not in a cult.
What a load of bollocks!!! There’s absolutely no information about how to do TANTRIC (that’s the adjective (an adjective is a word that describes a noun (a noun is the name of an item)) for the poorly educated Americans amongst you). This is, as usual, just an advertisement, this time for a massage service.