We watched German porn and I gave him a blowjob.
It has long been taboo to discuss sexuality and pornography in many societies. However, pornography has become more accessible and socially acceptable as the internet has evolved. In this essay, I’ll discuss my personal experience watching deutsche pornos with a partner. That led to an unforeseen situation in which I gave him a blowout.
Examining our sexual proclivities
I’ve never been told that my partner and I can’t follow our sexual dreams. To make our sex lives more exciting, we have experimented with various roles and role-playing. However, there was one topic we had never examined: pornography. Despite my distaste for porn, my partner convinced me to give it a try because he was curious.
Looking at porn in German
My partner had his laptop with us and we browsed multiple pornographic websites. We chose a German-language pornographic video. The fact that the artists were not speaking in English gave the entire event a touch of mystery. We had no idea what to expect, so as soon as the movie began, we were both nervous and experiencing an adrenaline rush.
We had never seen anything like the pornographic film before. It showed a pair engaging in a range of sex acts. The production quality was outstanding, and the performers seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. Everything about it was intriguing and alluring to me.
Busting the Myth
I was brought up to believe that porn was insulting to women and promoted unattainable physical standards. However, the German porn we viewed refuted this theory. The main female character in the video seemed to be enjoying herself and exuded confidence and control over the situation. It made me realize that porn isn’t just for guys to enjoy; women can enjoy it too, without feeling like objects.
As the movie progressed, my partner and I became completely engrossed in what we were watching. The visuals were intriguing, and the movie’s acoustics enhanced the whole experience. We found that we felt more comfortable when we shared porn together. Deeper connection and understanding were also made possible by it.
Unexpected event
The closer we got to the end of the video, the more thrilled my companion got. Without a word, he pulled me in and planted a long kiss on me. It was obvious that the video had inspired him to take action. Though I was first hesitant, I decided to let go of my inhibitions and ignore him.
It was our first time doing this together, and I could feel his pleasure and happiness. Initially, I felt a little scared because I had never performed a blowjob before. But I was able to give my boyfriend a lot of pleasure because of his encouragement and support.
Taking down the barrier to communication
I gave my partner a blowjob and watched German porn, which boosted our sex experience and broke down our communication barrier. We felt comfortable talking honestly and openly about our desires and ambitions. That liberating sense made us stronger as a couple.
Examining new ideas
When we started watching German porn together, our relationship completely changed. It opened up new avenues for us and raised our bar for adventure when it came to our sex adventures. We started experimenting with different setups and strategies. We indulged in a wide range of porn. We never gave up trying to feel happier and more pleasurable.
The Importance of Consent
It’s important to prioritize getting permission before engaging in sexual activity or viewing porn. It is crucial that people communicate and respect one another’s needs and boundaries. Watching German porn and giving my partner a blowjob was a fun and mutually wanted activity. It brought us closer because we jointly decided on it.
Breaching social norms
As a society, we often uphold particular norms and beliefs when it comes to sex and porn. Positive experiences with German porn have nevertheless put these social ideals to the test. It made me realize that it’s okay to explore and express our sexual impulses as long as we do so within the bounds of respect and permission.
To sum up, viewing German porn and giving my girlfriend a blowjob was an enjoyable and memorable experience. It increased our relationship as a couple, debunked myths, and enhanced our sex life. It demonstrated to me that pornography is not always degrading to women and that both spouses can find enjoyment in it. We can explore our sexual instincts to improve intimacy and happiness in a relationship. As long as there is consent and honest communication, this is OK.
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Latest comments:
Many women enjoy watching porn. My wife and I watch porn together, but we don’t watch the majority of the rubbish that passes as porn. Firstly, since she is stunning (and Russian) and I, myself am “extremely handsome” (her words not mine) we never watch fat, ugly people. We don’t find the fake porn, with fake situations, fake tits, faked orgasms, faked enjoyment…I.E. US porn a turn on. In fact, we find it vile, full of ugliness and vulgarity.
We like elegant, European porn, where the women wear expensive clothes and underwear, the situations are luxurious and the men treat the women with respect. It’s how we are together and why my Russian wife feels safe to try anything with me.
If you want to get a real Russian woman/girl, you need to stop being American. Try to be more European. Be respectful, don’t call them derogatory terms, so common on this website, “bitch, whore, etc”. If that’s how you think of women, you’ll always be stuck with big, fat, repulsively ugly, women or just your hand.
If you think Russian women like to be told how much you’ve got, what car you drive, then you’re wrong about that. Decent, educated Russian women are interested in your education and your manners. In fact, they find it extremely vulgar and crass when someone lets others know how much something cost or what they spent on a meal. This is not just wealthy, connected Russians, but normal Russians too. Russian women don’t care, too much, about looks, though they will definitely pick a good looking guy ahead of an average one, if everything else is equal. They’re also very polite, and not like Western women who (generally, those with no manners) are rude to you if you ask them out. The key theme in Russia (as we are seeing) is respect for them and their traditions, language and culture and of course, their massively long history.
Watching porn with my ex-wife was a no-no. Although she was very good looking, in fact the double of Princess Sarah Ferguson (Prince Andrew’s wife) she didn’t like me looking at other women. My Russian wife (now of 14, years) doesn’t care, as I don’t care if she looks at men. We often talk about the characteristics of women and men, and there is no jealousy, but perhaps because we are equals in the looks department and we trust each other.
Therefore, in summary, as a message to you young, US males, and others who’ve fallen under the cultureless spell of the US, learn to respect others and you’ll get respect and everything you want, given to you. Make yourself humble, ask the girl about her, don’t make it about you, and you’ll see a change in attitude to you and you’ll be far more successful.