Ich wünsche dir glückliche, besinnliche Feiertage und den Segen des HERRN!
Björn Schnitzer, bitte komm zurück zu Viktoria Aschaffenburg! at
1 November, 2022 18:30 #
# Monika
A million stars up in the sky, one shines brighter we can´t deny.
A love so precious, a love so true, a love that comes from us to you.
James Jimbo Kerr Ireland/English Fuckulty Frankfurt. at
21 June, 2022 16:43 #
Hey Monica!
Whenever I saw you at my faculty,
I thought I had made it to Heaven
in spite of my countless
trespasses and sins.
John Grisham is the undisputed master of intelligent, suspenseful popular literature. at
12 June, 2022 21:46 #
Dear Monica!
I imagine that having sex with you is even more exciting than reading John Grisham´s
masterpiece “The Runaway Jury”.
Webster Tarpley: Long live the Arabs! at
30 December, 2021 02:46 #
Dear Monica L.,
By Elaine Cherry (only slightly modified)
Short Romantic LOVE Poem
My LOVE for you is like the raging sea,
So powerful and deep it will forever be.
Through Storm (Theodor), wind, and heavy reign,
It will withstand each and every pain.
So extremely powerful and deep it will forever be.
Kindly remember Dr. Michael Jüliger.
Yo estoy aprendido la lengua Farsi/farsi, porque se trata verdaderamente de una lengua bonitisima. at
30 December, 2021 02:21 #
Persisch lernen, Lektion 1
AlmaniBeFarsiAshkan Ma^ma^n
dorood Man Trutt man
I am sorry, Ganna! I Miss you! I really miss you! Man hastam Süleiman.
Arabic and Farsi (Persian, Iranian) are two of the nicest - sounding, melodical languages on GOD's blue planet. at
30 December, 2021 02:14 #
Persisch lernen, Lektion 1
AlmaniBeFarsiAshkan Ma^ma^n
dorood Man
TURKEY 4K - Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music at
28 December, 2021 23:46 #
Querida mujer ma’s bonita del mundo,
Me gustari’a muchisi’mo volar contigo sobre uno de mis pai’ses favori’tos.
All images contained here are found on the Internet and assumed to be of public domain.
If you are the owner of any images contained herein and would like it removed, than please contact me.
If you are interested in what will happen to
Harald “Ray” Raykowski, who was born in 1943,
after his physical death,
you can listen to the first part of
Professor Howard Storm´s near-death experience.
Seid umschlungen, Milliarden!
Diesen Kuss der ganzen Welt!
Brüder und Schwestern,
über dem Sternenzelt muss ein lieber Vater wohnen.
Wem der große Wurf gelungen,
eines Freundes Freund zu sein,
wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
mische seinen Jubel ein!
Alle Menschen werden Brüder/Schwestern,
da wo Gottes Segen weilt.
Im Angesicht dieser atemberaubenden femininen
Ästhetik, Anmut und Schönheit
verspüren wir die Neigung,
die weltberühmte “Ode an die Freude”
des erlauchten Dichters Friedrich Schiller
erklingen zu lassen.
James Joyce
Rain Has Fallen All the Day
Rain has fallen all the day.
O come among the laden trees:
The leaves lie thick upon the way
Of memories.
Staying a little by the way
Of memories shall we depart.
Come, my beloved, where I may
Speak to your heart.
Du bist anmutig und schön.
Anmut ist das natürliche Gewand der Schönheit.
Zu dieser Erkenntnis gelangte bereits der französische Moralist
Joseph Joubert (1754-1824).
An Laura J.
An die Freude
Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder,
Was der Mode Schwert geteilt;
Bettler werden Fürstenbrüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Im Angesicht dieser atemberaubenden Anmut
sind wir geneigt
die berühmte Ode des einzigartigen
Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)
Eine Ode an die Freude, die Schönheit, die weibliche Ästhetik!
Liebe Honey B.!
Unser Leben ist im Eimer,
dennoch sind wir gute Reimer!
Laura J. verursacht Gänsehaut,
so geil und heiß ist diese Braut!
Dear Laura J.!
If I want paradise
I simply have to look into your eyes.
If I want paradise
I simply have to look at you twice.
Dear Laura J.!
I wonder if that creepy old pervert James Kerr from Ireland,
vicious, dishonest “lecturer” at Frankfurt/Germany, is still alive.
You are totally sexy and attractive.
@Laura J
Your smile should be as famous as the enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa.
I’m not Monika, I’m Laura J
Dear Monica!
I´d like to wish you a happy new year in several languages.
Ge:zuar Vitin e Ri
Urte Berri
Onnellista uutta vuotta
Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh
Sretna Nova godina
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Nyob Zoo Xyoo Thsiab
Odala Chaka Chatsopano
Thabile Selemo se Secha
Heri ya Mwaka Mpya
Liebe Monika!
Ich wünsche dir glückliche, besinnliche Feiertage und den Segen des HERRN!
# Monika
A million stars up in the sky, one shines brighter we can´t deny.
A love so precious, a love so true, a love that comes from us to you.
Hey Monica!
Whenever I saw you at my faculty,
I thought I had made it to Heaven
in spite of my countless
trespasses and sins.
Dear Monica!
I imagine that having sex with you is even more exciting than reading John Grisham´s
masterpiece “The Runaway Jury”.
Dear Monica L.,
By Elaine Cherry (only slightly modified)
Short Romantic LOVE Poem
My LOVE for you is like the raging sea,
So powerful and deep it will forever be.
Through Storm (Theodor), wind, and heavy reign,
It will withstand each and every pain.
So extremely powerful and deep it will forever be.
Kindly remember Dr. Michael Jüliger.
Persisch lernen, Lektion 1
AlmaniBeFarsiAshkan Ma^ma^n
dorood Man Trutt man
I am sorry, Ganna! I Miss you! I really miss you! Man hastam Süleiman.
Persisch lernen, Lektion 1
AlmaniBeFarsiAshkan Ma^ma^n
dorood Man
Querida mujer ma’s bonita del mundo,
Me gustari’a muchisi’mo volar contigo sobre uno de mis pai’ses favori’tos.
More Laura J please! 🙂
Shut up,bharat parthi!Idiot!
You’re So Yummy Baby! Come Here! I Eat Up You!
Das ist eine ganz scharfe Frau mit geilem Arsch, geilen Titten, fantastischer Figur und einer zuckersüßen FUTT.
She is the undisputed number 1 on this site!
Hey Laura,
I would love to kiss your arse!
Most beautiful girl in the world!
I would love to lick her pussy!
No, Frank De Luxe!
Kiss my arse!
Dear, do You like make Love with me?
She is prettier than any top model!
Is it possible to get another set?
Did this great lady do one set only?
jolie femme
This lady needs to be treated with utmost respect.
She is so extremely beautiful, but she does not seem to be arrogant.
best naturist girl in the world
best naturist girl in the world
We are totally impressed!
Hallo Laura,
ich sende dir schöne Grüße von der Oberschur!
I truly admire this incredible beauty.
The Russian answer to Aphrodite, the Goddess of LOVE.
She has an ass and a face that are out-of-this world!
Is this really a Russian girl?
Can we please have another set?
This woman is so incredibly, unbelievably erotic.
is, not us
This us an angel who came down to earth in order to make us happy!
Dies ist eine bewundernswerte, sagenhafte Frau!
Each and every man on this planet should have the right to have a look at this wonderful girl.
Das ist die hübscheste Frau auf der Welt!
I have never ever seen such a beautiful lady in real life.
better than Marylin Monroe
Is this the most beautiful woman in the world?
I would fuck this girl for all day, all night for life.
I am in love with this woman. Her first picture is totally out of the world
Totally perfect woman. Lovely face and really hot body! 10 out of 10.
Perfection at its finest
Absolutely smoking hot. Dam would fuck her brains out
Absolute perfection.
model name: laura j
You are beautiful. You have such sweet lips and I would like my cock between both pairs of your lips.
Name please?
Nice pussy 🙂